We then hurried home, where, within an hour, he finished off the ham and turkey, separating the white from dark meat while making the gravy.
Then we arrived, just in time, for the thanksgiving party for our group of same-sex headed families.
We had a surprising amount of new members: people with infants and some grown families moving into the Salt Lake valley. One couple moved here from Ca to be around family, which made me reconsider our thought of moving away. But their family was completely on their side, not part of the politics fighting against us, and not part of the predominant faith here. So there are some differences; besides, we'd be taking the grandparents with us.
After we were stuffed with stuffing and turkey, we headed up to the candle light vigil at the capitol.
After we talked about synesthesia and some people "hearing" sights and seeing numbers as colored, Alan wondered if some people can hear other people's thought. I told them that was called telepathy, and, without telling them what I believed, I asked them what they thought.
On the freeway on the way home we ended up conducting many experiments, trying to read each other's minds (and me trying to teach a lesson about science and skepticism :-)). Most tests were, of course, unsuccessful... but when it was my mind's turn to be read I picked a thought and thought hard, and they tried to hear me.
Alan asked if I was thinking of our dog and I said no. Then Brian asked if I was thinking "I love you."
I was! I laughed and said "Yes, how did you read my mind?" Wondering if I'd now inadvertently initiated him into new age magical thinking :-).
Brian said, in his little kid incredulous voice, "I didn't read your mind; that was just a lucky guess."
I'm lucky for many reasons. I'm lucky to have two sweet boys and an amazing husband. I'm lucky to have these teachable moments. I'm lucky, even in Utah, to have groups of tens and hundreds and thousands of activists and families to gather and hope with us.
I'm especially lucky my son finds it to be a good guess that his pop is thinking "I love you".
did you take the kiddies to the rally?
We do. Actually, I don't know if it's different where you are, but all our events surrounding the gay community here in Utah are designed to be family friendly and have many couples with kids from both straight and gay-headed families. I wonder, but we may be the only state in which the pride festival has about a quarter of the grounds as a kid's are :-)a.
The only tricky part is sneaking around the protesters, just in case they decide to yell, but that isn't hard.
I didn't know synesthesia was considered a genetic mutation. I have color-grapheme synesthesia (seeing colors in numbers and letters) and find the subject fascinating. I didn't know everyone wasn't like that until about 8-9 years ago. All my siblings have it, too. We can't agree which letters are which colors. :)
From what I understand, synesthesia falls under "semi-genetic" category, but I wanted to fascinate them with cool mutants like yourself :-).
Well I don't know because I am 24, so I don't have kids yet. But hopefully one day I will and my future partner (whoever that is to be) and I can goto family friends functions.
I've also got synesthaesia - mostly ordinal linguistic personification - mostly with ordinal numbers, and less so with letters, but not colour-grapheme.
How nice he guessed you were thinking 'I love you' instead of something like, 'those wretched boys never keep their room clean' haha. If I was trying to be psychic as a kid I probably would have guessed I love you, too, so I guess I'm also one of the lucky ones.
And now I need to go look up synesthaesia and find out what my mutant friends are up to.
Also, it's "psychic".
"Well I don't know because I am 24, so I don't have kids yet"
I was about 27 when we started the process. You've got 3 more years to find a man and settle down :-).
Craig, you too? I had no idea I was surrounded by so many mutants. I'm jealous.
"If I was trying to be psychic as a kid I probably would have guessed I love you, too, so I guess I'm also one of the lucky ones."
You're parents must be lucky too then. That's exactly what every parent wants to be a good guess.
(and thanks for the spelling help... I'm a very "special" speller. Brian can even out spell me now.)
Believe me I'd love to find my guy, but I think I'd wait till early 30's for kids. I'd wanna have a good job and be able to support my family, etc. Right now I am a student lol.
I'd dropped an arbitrary age (30) for when I would start the kids process, mostly because I was hoping to be financially stable enough to do so by then.
Well, we're rounding up on 26, and being a single income family because of immigration issues, I don't know how possible it will be, especially since I was really hoping to have biological kids through a surrogate.
That's expensive, though. :*(
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