It’s conference time. Spring is in the… Ah, Ah, Ahh-Choo! Excuse me. Air. And it’s the season for the sleepy anti-LDS groups to leave their dens, and, in an ostensibly earnest display of concern for another’s eternal fate,
treat the Mormons like they were some sort of deceived sinners trapped in a deviant lifestyle. Conference goers will pass by
their signs, politely refuse their tracks, and, one would hope, keep from engaging them in debate. I’m just glad the gay community only has to walk past those folks merely
once a year :-), at “pride”, though I've not yet been able to convince grandpa from engaging them in debate.
Anyway, conference, the protesters... I just want to again bring up my favorite conference memory:
The take-away conference advice: Don’t accept flags from lesbians you don’t know, and be kind to those who, by all reasonable judgment, look to be “militant queers” protesting your sacred event.
You rock.
what i missed by never having lived in utah [except for my first two years while my father was finishing a degree at a distinguised but secular utah institution], could fill volumes...
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