Bill targets Becker's new registry: Nongays, gays alike would be affected
It will be in committee tomorrow. If you have a representative in the Health committee, give them a call.
But I don’t feel like dwelling on it today. There’s only so much thinking on cruel men who feel righteous for the damage they do that I can take. I’ll just say, we watched Dune last night, and the baron Harkonen brought the senator to mind (Is that childish? Ah well, it gave Rob a good laugh :-)).
Instead, I think I’ll read from my kid’s journals. That always cheers me up. No worries, it’s a public journal they write in class, they love seeing their art on my blog, and what are they going to confess at 5? Contraction of cooties?
I think they really highlight the differences in our boys too. Here are a couple of my favorites:

This is my favorite of Alan's. I regret not being so attentive to what falls out of the sky.

I love to know he'll hold me to my Spring project.
Now here's some of Brian's (it took me a while to find some that weren't just a list of the people he "Luvs", which is fine by me):

Okay, so we lost Wolfie, his favorite stuffed animal. This was as traumatic as the death of Whaley. So I ordered a new one, apparently on the

But then we found Wolfie the very next day.

Still, he waited patiently for the new Wolfie, Wolfie 2 (Wolfie 1's brother). That's Brian waiting at the door for three days... no no yes! When the new Wolfie got there all the other animals had another party.

This says his animals all graduated from college today... I'm just glad I got my PhD before they did.
Ah, I feel better now, don't you? :-)
Awwwww . . . that's so cute.
Yes, I do.
Sometimes (for a fleeting moment here and there) I feel all is right with the world.
Sure, you pick the one picture where you're not wearing pink...
I love tree houses! eh? That's pretty impressive for a 5 year old to be that computer savvy.
Did they get their PhD, Bachelor's or Master's? And in what fields?
I still think you're wearing pink. I'm betting you hid the pink crayon, so green was the next closest choice.
Thanks for this beautiful vignette of your family life. :)
Thank you Potentate (I love your alias :-))
I know what you mean Paul. I have to hold on to those moments when out legislature in session.
Pff, Mr. Fob/Kengo, I’m going to have to post pictures of my closet. It’s only maybe 67% pink. The rest of my pants, shirts, and evening gowns are all in very manly hues.
“Did they get their PhD, Bachelor's or Master's? And in what fields?”
I asked this morning and they got their PhDs, and, of course, in the field their grandpa Scot got his :-).
It’s a bit off putting though to have to address his toys as, for example, Doctor Wolfie and Doctor Cozy. I worked hard for that honor; I didn’t just get it from some degree mill in my kid’s closet!
Methinks Brian is a very sensitive soul. Alan has a vivid imagination.
And yes, these are much better than Buttar.
You got that right Java. Our boys are so different; I'm amazed daily.
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