Monday, September 15, 2008


1. Our boys won their soccer game, 3 to 0. Do you know the difference between a soccer dad and a bulldog? The list includes many more items than (and doesn't include) lipstick. We're pretty tame at the games.

2. We met and had a nice lunch with the Biddles family, even though I went to the wrong park. (Very nice to meet you in person, Kengo and clan :-))

3. We had dinner with a friend I've had since 8th grade. With kids we all get so busy that we hadn't just sat and shot the s*beep*t, as they say, for a long while. It's funny, I was so worried he'd end our friendship when I came out, but 19 years later we're joking about getting old and our kids are in the back yard running each other over with a jeep (Don't call DCFS yet; it's one of those plastic, electric cars for kids).

4. We met, as we always do, my parents for breakfast on Sunday. I don't know what my life would be like without their love and support. Nowadays I'm more grateful for what they show our boys, but how many parents of gay sons and daughters have HRC stickers on the back of their cars and don't miss a chance to help out same-sex headed families in politics?

5. To top it off, our gay and lesbian parenting group is back up and running! It had been fractured by a person who, when she took the leadership position, excluded gay men, even from the email list (I blogged on it here). That person is gone and the new leadership searched out all of us who were uninvited last year; I'm quite impressed with her and glad she took control.

Yesterday we had our first event as a group after the trouble, a picnic at Wheeler Farm. And we had a great turn out, over 50. I'm not sure if our boys benefit from it--they do just fine with their friend from school--but, just in case they want it in the future, I'm grateful to have a place where they can befriend children in families like ours. Brian spent most of the day following around a little girl his age, and Alan was directing the smaller kids at "fishing" in the little stream with rope and weeds. The fish, sadly, weren't biting, but that didn't seem to be the point anyway.
Anyway, good weekend.


Kengo Biddles said...

It was fun to visit with you and Rob as well, and your boys are darling. It was great to see how they started watching over our boys a little bit. They're obviously good brothers.

We'll have to get together some time, if Rob will allow us to visit the inner sanctum--since you have a fenced yard, that might be useful for corralling my crazy kidlets.

Christian said...

re 1: If you'd like, I can come to the soccer games and be the bulldog. I wasn't into athletics growing up; that was my brother's domain. But we have since discovered with the girls that I'm one of those parents. At their tennis match a few weeks ago, I was instructing the girls to mop the courts with the bloodied corpses of their opponents. Should I be helping with the softball team now? Probably not.

Scot said...

Your family was adorable as well, Kengo. And yeah, we should get together again.

edgy: "At their tennis match a few weeks ago, I was instructing the girls to mop the courts with the bloodied corpses of their opponents."

Oh dear, edgy. That has to be illegal; thank goodness for the net :-).

Java said...

You have fantastic parents!