Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Other, Larger Animals

"This is a horrendous, horrific incident for the Amish community. They're solid citizens in the community. They're good people. They don't deserve ... no one deserves this,"

"The U.S. extreme threat of a nuclear war and sanctions and pressure compel the DPRK to conduct a nuclear test, an essential process for bolstering nuclear deterrent, as a corresponding measure for defense,"

"I would drive a few miles for a hot stud like you,"

Where do I turn in my resignation?

It’s news weeks like this that make a cabin in the wilds of Alaska seem alluring. We'd be just like the pioneers... Well...


Scot said...
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Scot said...

I feel the same, today, L.

Should we get our clans together and establish a town where none of this stuff would happen? ;-)

I’ve had to stop reading the articles on the Amish incident, and this thing on Foley is getting me all riled up. I almost wanted to post on that today but figure it’d be a mess.