For customer service, please call 801-5#5-18*7. A very limited number of operators are standing by. Thank you for your patience.
Contents include:
1-Owner’s manual. (Tomorrow)
1-Madona CD.
*Gayness should not be operated while under the influence of alcohol, or certain cold medicines. Side effects may include alienation, anger, weakening of the wrist muscles, angelic assault, and hallucinations of improved fashion sense. Do not use Gayness if your wife is or may become be pregnant, or if you’ve been diagnosed with homophobitia or closetal occlusion. If you feel you are experiencing guilt or shame while operating Gayness, please discontinue use and consult your physician.
I am still waiting for my owners manual as well and my CD has been worn out...
Oh, that's good stuff.
How much did I pay for Gayness, anyway?
My R’s CD is worn out too. You want mine though? It’s like new. ;-)
Oh, my dear L, don’t it just hate it when you get stuff in the mail you never ordered and it shows up on your credit card? I fear you may have paid a high price too. I hope you find that customer service department, get what you want, and correct the charges.
For me, the product now exceeds my needs and expectations (though certainly I did at one point try to decipher the return policy). To boot, as any Pat Robertson would tell you, it’s kind of like AOL. I get 5 bucks off my monthly bill for each person I convince to buy Gayness TM. Once I get to ten new customers, they’ll send me a free toaster oven!
Scot, I haven't said it here, but THANK YOU for making "The Package"
Hi-larious. Loved this.
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